E-Commerce & Development

Webflow: What can the innovative page builder do?

Philip Farbmacher

Founder & CEO

Wiebke Kühlbauch

Copywriting & Editing at G'spür


July 30th, 2023


July 30th, 2023

5 min

Everyone knows Wordpress as the ultimate website provider. But have you ever heard of Webflow? The company has taken on the market leader and is doing quite well in the process. Unlike its competitors, Webflow hardly imposes any limits on creatives when building websites. Momentum co-founder Philip Farbmacher and his team have been relying on this innovative tool for years. In the interview, Philip shares what it's all about, who Webflow is intended for, and how they got involved with it.

Philip, what exactly is Webflow?

Webflow is essentially a page builder that allows you to quickly and effectively create fantastic, high-performing, and creative websites. However, it's not a traditional drag-and-drop website builder like those offered by other providers such as Wix or Squarespace. That approach isn't good for the quality of the code and ultimately impacts the website's performance. With Webflow, you still have pre-defined elements, but they are manually designed, customized, and expanded – not your typical drag-and-drop system. This results in clean code behind the elements. Moreover, Webflow is a very design-focused tool, with an emphasis on animations and user experience. You can even program your own elements, which is pretty cool because it allows us to incorporate individual ideas.

So, in your opinion, who is Webflow intended for

Webflow is definitely not for beginners. You need a certain level of expertise in graphics and programming and an understanding of specific terminology to make the most of Webflow. I would say designers with a medium level of web development experience can create really good websites with Webflow. At Momentum, however, only developers with design know-how build websites. Of course, you can use the tool with less experience, but you'll achieve much better results if you're familiar with certain aspects. That's why Webflow is perfect for digital agencies like ours.

How did you come across Webflow? The tool is still relatively unknown in the German-speaking region.

Because I've spent a lot of time both physically and digitally in the Anglo-American region, I came across Webflow several years ago. I studied in London and had contacts with agencies and companies that were already using Webflow. When I tried it myself, I quickly became convinced of the possibilities it offers and continued to delve deeper into it.

In Tyrol, at Momentum, we were one of the first agencies to work with Webflow. Therefore, we feel like pioneers in this field. Since our founding in March 2020, we have delivered over 100 Webflow sites.

That's quite impressive. Do you exclusively use Webflow now?

We use Webflow whenever its features match our clients' requirements. This means we use it for small to medium-sized websites with a clear focus on imagery, brand presence, and animations because that's where the tool excels. However, if more user interaction is required or the site becomes more complex with features like booking options, interfaces, etc., we switch to other technologies and often write the code from scratch.

You mentioned strengths earlier. What sets Webflow apart from its competitors?

With Webflow, (almost) everything comes out of the box. As a Software as a Service (SaaS) application, they provide a complete solution, including security certificates, CMS, server, hosting, etc. So, you don't have to search for everything yourself or pay for various services separately; it's all in one package for a single price.

Moreover, you have much more creative freedom compared to other providers. While Webflow does offer templates to build upon, you're not bound to them. Each element can be individually designed, offering incredible possibilities.

Furthermore, maintaining a Webflow site is much easier than with competitors like Wordpress. Again, everything comes out of the box. You don't need to constantly update plugins or renew SSL certificates because Webflow, as an SaaS company, manages all of that in the background. Some may like it, some may not. We think it's fantastic because they're always pushing forward with their product and features. Their strong community undoubtedly plays a significant role in that. There are now so many creatives using Webflow and exchanging ideas in forums to advance the product further.

Some criticize Webflow for using Amazon Web Services. What is your response to them?

Everyone can have their opinion about Amazon. The fact remains that they operate the best web servers in the world, with the highest security measures and the least downtime. Additionally, Webflow has a data protection agreement with the European Union that complies with GDPR obligations.

Do you have further questions for Philip and his team or are you looking for an expert to implement your Webflow site? Get in touch now.

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